In the previous post, we saw how to get started with Typer including commands, arguments and options. We also saw how to define styles using Rich to format text. This post will show how to get started with SQLModel to store and retrieve data in a SQLite database.
Defining the Data Model Class
Before using SQLModel it needs to be installed. As it is distributed as a Python package, you can use pip
to install it.
$ pip install sqlmodel
SQLModel leverages SQLAlchemy. If you have used SQLAlchemy you’ll see that the SQLModel API mirrors the SQLAlchemy API in many cases. The data model class will be associated with a table in the SQLite database. It will subclass the SQLModel base class which needs to be imported.
from sqlmodel import SQLModel
Now create a new class, Event
, that subclasses SQLModel. Also, tell SQLModel this will be associated with a database table by setting the table
keyword argument to True
class Event(SQLModel, table=True):
The columns of the database table will be associated with attributes of the model class. These can be defined similar to how you would define attributes of a dataclass. For example, the title of the event is a simple string.
class Event(SQLModel, table=True):
title: str
There is also a boolean marking this event as private if set to True
. However, we can also set a default value and make events publicly visible by default.
class Event(SQLModel, table=True):
title: str
private: bool = False
Sometimes you need more than just a simple type. The Field
type configures a column/attribute association with extra metadata. The Field
type needs to be imported from the sqlmodel
from sqlmodel import Field, SQLModel
Every table needs a primary key that is an integer. But we also need to tell SQLModel that this attribute is the primary key of the model class. Also, set the default keyword argument to None
so that we can get away with waiting for SQLModel to add the value later.
class Event(SQLModel, table=True):
id: int = Field(primary_key=True, default=None)
title: str
private: bool = False
The model class also needs a timestamp. This will be a Python date
from the datetime
module. But we can also use the default_factory
keyword argument to use the today
function of the
type to use the current date as the default value.
import datetime
class Event(SQLModel, table=True):
id: int = Field(primary_key=True, default=None)
title: str
timestamp: = Field(
With the data model class, we can now use SQLModel to generate the database. Import the create_engine
function from the sqlmodel
from sqlmodel import Field, SQLModel, create_engine
An engine is a connection to a database, in this case a SQLite database file. The create_engine
function accepts a path to that database file.
engine = create_engine("sqlite:///events.db")
And you can create the database by calling the create_all
function on the metadata of SQLModel. Pass create_all
the engine
so it will know which database to create.
Getting User Input
The next step is to create a new command that will prompt the user for details about an event and use that input to add a new Event to the database. While Typer has an API to prompt the user for input, since we are using Rich, I am going to use the Prompt
type in the rich.prompt
from rich.prompt import Prompt
Call the ask
function on the Prompt
type to get input from the user returned as a string. The Event
model class expects more diverse data types so we will need to parse the timestamp string and check if a private event has been confirmed too.
def add_event():
title = Prompt.ask("Title of the event")
timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(
Prompt.ask("Date of event (YYYY-MM-DD)"),
private = Prompt.ask("Private event (y/n)").lower() == "y"
To interact with the database, you’ll use a Session
. Import it from the sqlmodel
from sqlmodel import Field, Session, SQLModel, create_engine
Use the engine
to create a Session
. This is often done in a with
block to ensure that the Session
is automatically closed.
with Session(engine) as session:
Now create and populate an instance of the Event
model class, add it to the Session
and commit the changes to the SQLite database.
with Session(engine) as session:
event = Event(title=title, timestamp=timestamp, private=private)
Now we need to display a confirmation message to the user. For now, we’ll assume the user won’t make a mistake. A bold green style would work for the message and it’s likely we will want to use this more than once. Add a new success
style to the ApplicationStyles
class ApplicationStyles:
error: Style = Style(color="red", bold=True)
succcess: Style = Style(color="green", bold=True)
def add_event():
# ...
f"Added event with title {event.title}",
Now you can try out the new command! Since the command function is add_event
, the command name will be almost the same, add-event
the only difference is the the underscore in the function name is a dash in the command.
$ python add-event
Title of the event: New Event
Date of event (YYYY-MM-DD): 2025-02-02
Private event (y/n): n
And the result:
Added event with title New Event
If you are using Visual Studio Code, you can install the SQLite Viewer extension by Florian Klampfer to peek inside the database and ensure the event was added.

In the Explorer pane, right click on the database and Open With. In the Command Pallette, select SQLite Viewer.

Displaying Data from the Database
Let’s look at how to retrieve the Event
we just added to the database. Create a new command with a function called show_events()
def show_events():
You’ll need a Session
object to interact with the database:
with Session(engine) as session:
Now you’re going to construct a query using functions from the SQLModel API. This API often mimics the SQLAlchemy API. In this case you’ll need the select function from the sqlmodel
package. Construct a query to select all Event
s. Then call the exec
method on the session
to execute the query. And to retrieve all of the results, call the all()
from sqlmodel import select
# ...
events = session.exec(select(Event)).all()
You can iterate over the events like a list.
for event in events:
Here is the result of invoking the show-events
$ python show-events
Event One
Event Two
Event Three
This works, but we can make it look better with the help of a Rich layout. Import the Table
from the rich.table
from rich.table import Table
A table can have a title and one or more columns. Let’s include columns for title, days remaining, and if the event is private.
table = Table(title="Events")
table.add_column("Days Remaining")
Iterate over the events and calculate the days remaining. Then add a row for each event.
for event in events:
days_remaining = (event.timestamp -
table.add_row(event.title, f"{days_remaining} remaining", "Yes" if event.private else "No")
And use the console
to print
the table:
Invoke the show-events
command and the results will look something like this:
$ python show-events
┃ Title ┃ Days Remaining ┃ Private ┃
│ Event One │ 24 remaining │ No │
│ Event Two │ 53 remaining │ Yes │
│ Event Three │ 85 remaining │ No │
In a future post we will see how to use styles to emphasize datapoints about the data.
In this post you learned how to implement a data model using SQLModel. You also learned how to use the SQLModel API to connect to a database and store and retrive data from the database. You also learned how to use Rich tables to display data in tabular layout.